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Harborcrest Gardens

On-Line Catalogue 2001

B - C


A diverse group of plants that grow best in shaded but bright Locations. Humidity is a big help in producing fresh looking plants.

$4.00  B. COSIE - One of the best White Angel Wing Begonias. Pearl colored blooms. Long slender dark foliage. Winter blooming.

$4.00  B. CHRISTMAS CANDY - A Semperflorens x Argentine species cross that has amazing vigor. Double Red blooms over Christmas. Green leaves.

$4.00  B. HOT TAMALE - Long dark fluted leaves with deep Maroon undersides. Showers of Pink to Red blooms.

$4.00  B. LUCY LOCKET - Very vigorous plant with robust light Bronze leaves topped with double balls of Pink flowers.

$4.00  B. PRELUDE SCARLET Small round leaves with bright red clusters of flowers

$4.00 B. RICHMONDENSIS - Arching 12-15" stems with glossy dark Green foliage bear pendant clusters of Pink blooms.

$4.00 B. STRIGILLOSA - Foliage plant with bristly pointed leaves netted with brown.

$4.00  B. MASONIANA (Iron Cross Begonia) - A strong growing species with Chocolate markings in the form of the iron Cross. Apple Green leaves.


These plants require as much light as possible, even full Sun. They are ideal for the Greenhouse or Patio/Sunporch. The compact types can easily be grown in 4" pots. All can be displayed in Hanging Baskets, but are best planted in groups of 3 in large baskets. Prune back when finished blooming and re-pot or add fertilizer for the next cycle (if you can take cuttings at this time too).

$3.50  B. BARBARA KARST - Brilliant Red blooms on an upright or Basket plant. The standard Red variety, even more red in strong sun

$3.50  B. CALIFORNIA GOLD - Golden Yellow blooms. Prolific bloomer and shapes up well in either a pot or hanging basket

$4.00  B. DOUBLE GOLD - Compact growing type. Bushy ever blooming double Golden Orange bracts

$4.00  B. DOUBLE RED - Double bracts of Crimson Red. Compact grower

$4.00  B. DOUBLE WHITE - Similar growth habit to the above double compact plants but the bracts are double White

$4.00  B. GLABRA - We managed to find this variety that was so popular in our old Harborcrest Nurseries. Slightly smaller growing and more flexible branches than most. pinkish Purple bracts

$4.00  B. JAMES WALKER Blooms profusely showing Reddish-Purple bracts.

$4.00  B. PAGODA PINK - The fourth plant in the Compact group. Pale Pink double with a hint of Green

$4.00  B. RASPBERRY ICE Raspberry Red blooms over variegated Green and White foliage.

$4.00  B. SAN DIEGO RED - The brightest Red of all, even in low light. Very upright growth habit.

$4.00  B. TEXAS DAWN Delicate Rose Pink bracts.


$3.00 CACTI ASSORTED Small desert type cacti in a variety of shapes and sizes
$4.00 CALLISTEMON CITRINUS (Bottle Brush) - Red Flowers and Lemon scented, this plant makes an ideal Greenhouse or Patio plant

$4.00  CALLISTEMON VIMINALIS (Weeping Bottle Brush) - Pendulous branches and bright Crimson Red flowers. Easier to grow than above plant


$3.00  CARICA PAPAYA Fast growing woody herb for large pot. Keep warm and moist but not wet.

$3.00 CEROPEGIA WODDI (Rosary Vine) - Small heart-shaped leaves showering down in long chains. Small heart-shaped Grey flowers


A group of Evergreen shrubs that make ideal houseplants. Flowers are all fragrant and the plants can easily be kept in shape by pruning.

$3.00  C. NOTURUM (Night Jessamine) - The White flowers emit a romantic and intoxicating fragrance at night. Summer to fall blooming.



Easy to grow group of plants that will bear fruit in the home or Greenhouse. Good air circulation, moderately warm temperatures and as much light as possible will keep them happy. Can be outside in Summer. WE HAVE ONLY VERY LIMITED QUANTIES OF THE CITRUS.

$5.00 C. AURANTIFOLIA Dwarf Bearrs Seedless Lime, juicy lemon-sized furit in winter/spring.

$5.00  C. LIMON MEYER - An old variety of dwarf Lemon is delicious with Golden Yellow fruit. The best of the Citrus for cooler temperatures.

$5.00 C. LIMON EUREKA Vairegated Pink Lemon with White variegated foliage tinged with Pink.

$5.00 C. RETICULATA Calamondin Variegata. Produces tiny fragrant flowers, followed by small Orange fruit. Creamy variegated leaves.

$4.00 C. MAXIMA Pummelo. Giant grapefruite-type fruits on strong branches with large leaves.

$5.00 C. TANGELO Grapefruite-orange hybrid produces Orange-Red fruit.

$8.00  C. PONDEROSA - One of the finest dwarf fruits for the home or Greenhouse. Large waxy fragrant flowers produce Lemons the size of Grapefruits.

$8.00  CITRUS MITIS (Calamondin) - Abundant producer of tiny fragrant flowers, followed by small Orange fruit. Very popular ornamental.

$4.00  CLERODENDRUM THOMSONIAE (Glory Bower) - A vigorous climber with Forest Green leaves covered in Crimson flowers peeking from White calyces
$3.00  CODONANTHE AURORA - Tiny satiny leaves on a compact trailing plant. Covers itself in Rose Pink flowers all year

$3.00  CODONANTHE GRACILIS - Small growing Gesneriad with White pouch-shaped flowers in profusion, each marked in Red and Yellow

$4.00  COFFEA ARABICA (Coffee Plant) - Grow your own coffee! Dwarf tree with shiny dark Green foliage. Grows to not more than 18" in the house


Modern hybrids are mostly ever-blooming on slender trailing stems. Grow in good light but not direct Sun and keep moist.

$3.50  C. ALLADINS LAMP - Large Red flowers. Dark Green closely set leaves

$3.50  C. BROGET STAVENGER Variegated foliage in Green and Cream, bright Red flowers.

$3.50  C. FIREBIRD - Heavy blooming variety sporting large bright Red flowers that cover the compact trailing foliage.

$3.50 C. TORONTO Long slender Green leaves and large Red and Yellow blooms. Upright stems.

$3.50  C. YELLOW DRAGON - One of the most successful of the hybrids. Long bright Yellow dragon-like flowers on slender velvety foliage

$2.50 CRASSULA ARGENTEA SUNSET (Variegated Jade) - Thick fleshy leaves in glossy Green, variegated in Yellow. Easy, hardy plant for the house.
$3.00  CROSSANDRA INFUNDIBULIFORMIS (Firecracker Flower) - An excellent house plant from tropical India. Glossy Green foliage and beautiful pastel Orange flowers. Will take full sun.
$3.00 CUPHEA HYSSOPIFOLIA ALYSSON Mexican heather is a densley branched small shrub with small glossy leaves and tiny lavender flowers.
$3.00  CYANOTIS KEWENSIS (Teddy Bear Vine) Small hairy leaves covered with rusty brown leaves. Good hanging basket.

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