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Harborcrest Gardens

On-Line Catalogue 2001


We offer a wide range of indoor plants, both new varieties and some of the old reliables that everyone is seeking these days. Except where noted, culture of these plants is much the same. Normal House Temperatures are fine, as much light as possible without full sun (except in Winter) and as high a humidity as can be maintained is about all they need. Use a little fertilizer every week and prune to keep in shape. DO NOT OVERWATER. Never water a plant if the top of its soil is still damp.

ABUTILON (Flowering Maple)

Known to the Victorians as "Flowering Maples". These bushy plants with maple-like foliage and bell shaped flowers make excellent houseplants. They bloom floriferously most of the year and are not bothered by the odd cool period. For best results fertilize regularly and never allow them to get dry.

$3.00  A. CARMINE BELLE - Carmine Red blooms, Orange Yellow centers

$3.00  A. CRIMSON BELLE - Rich Crimson Red flowers

$3.00  A. BELLA - Various colors including Peach, Yellow, White, Pink, dark Red.

$3.00 A. KENTISH BELLE -  Narrow Leaves and dangling Yellow flowers with red calyces

$3.00  A. MARIGOLD BELLE - Orange Red with pronounced Red veining

$3.00  A. MEGAPOTAMICUM VARIEGATUM - A species from Brazil with Yellow dangling flowers suspended from fiery Red calyces

$3.00  A. TANGERINE BELLE - Extra large Tangerine Orange blooms

$3.00 A. SAVITZII - Attractive leaves in bright Green with large White patches. Pale orange flowers.

$3.00 A. SOUVENIR DE BONN - Variegated leaves in bright Green with broad White edges.

$3.00  A. THOMPSONII - Leaves variegated with yellow splotches. Numerous Peach flowers.

$3.00  A. VESUVIUS RED - Drooping bells in rich Red.

$3.00  ACALYPHA HISPIDA (Chenille plant) Loads of fuzzy Red cat-tails over small Green leaves. Does well in hanging baskets.
$3.00  ACHIMENES (Cupid's Bower) Rhizomatous plants loads with colorful blooms over small leaves. Great for hanging baskets. Assorted.

AESCHYANTHUS (Lipstick Plant)

Showy hanging basket plants. Does best in a warm location and if allowed to dry out between waterings.

$3.00 A. FIRE WHEEL - Large flaring tubes of Red emerging from purple calyces. Dark Green over-lapping leaves

$3.00 A. HOT FLASH - Upright Orange flowers with Red stripes. Medium Green leaves on upright growing stems.

$3.00 A. LOBBIANUS - Fiery Red blooms with Creamy throat. Dark Green leaves.

$3.00  A. BLACK PAGODA - Dark Green leaves netted in Burgundy. Yellow-Orange Red tipped bloom.

$3.00 A. MONA LISA - Dark Green leaves, deep Scarlet blooms in darker calyces.

$3.00  A. RUBENS - Light Green leaves and upright clusters of Yellow-Orange tubular blooms.
$4.00 ALLAMANDA CATHCARTI WILLIAMS II - A fine climbing or bush plant for the Greenhouse or Patio. Large 4" Golden Yellow blooms
$3.50  ALOE CHINENIS (Medicine Aloe) - A smaller growing version of the famous Aloe Vera. Same medicinal qualities but easier to grow
$4.00  ALSOBIA DIANTHIFLORA  - Large, deeply fringed white flowers lightly spotted in maroon. An easy-to-grow plant with trailing foliage and soft downy dark green leaves with scalloped edges. Epiphytic plants closely related to Episcia

$4.00  ALSOBIA SAN MIGUEL - Striking fringed creamy white flowers spotted with purple. Small soft oval leaves. Trailing, stoloniferous.
$4.00  ARISTOLCHIA ELEGANS (Calico Flower) - Unique flowering vine from Brazil. Yellow throated blooms, marked in Purple Brown and White.

 $3.50  ASPIDISTRA ELATIOR (Cast Iron Plant) An old favorite with long green leaves, easy care.

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