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Harborcrest Gardens

On-Line Catalogue 2001

H - J

HEBE (New Zealand boxwood)

These small evergreen shrubs have neatly arranged leaves in a variety of shades and shpes and usually feature small flowering spikes. Sun or part shade, hardy outside in mild areas.

$3.00   HEBE BUXIFOLIA PATTYS PURPLE - Compact grower with glossy Boxwood- like foliage. Small spikes carry its Lavender spirea- like flowers

$3.00 HEBE MCKEANII Very small leaves and tiny White flowers, heathlike in appearance.

$3.00 HEBE RED EDGE Greyish Green foliage with Red edges, small White flowers.

$3.00 HEBE WAIREKA Larger rounded leaves of gold and green and a more open habit than other varieties. Deep purple flowers in summer.


This "English Ivy" provides a vast array of different Leaf patterns. It is hard to believe they all come from the same stock.

$2.50  H. GLACIER - Leaves of Green and White. Compact rather slow grower but the effect is worth the wait.

$2.50 H. HAHNS SELF BRANCHING - An all Green Ivy that spreads rapidly. It will trail around the room if you let it.

$2.50 H. GOLD CHILD Grey-Green centers with Golden margins, five-lobed leaves.

$2.50 H. IVALACE (Lacy Leaf Ivy) One of the finest, easily grown with small, closely held frilly leaves of crinkled dark Green.

$2.50 H. JUBILEE Vigorous self-branching variegated miniatrue - White and Cream Green leaves.

$2.50 H. KOLIBRI Silver-White flecked with Emerald.

$2.50 H. MINI NEEDLEPOINT Miniature bird's foot leaf ivy often used in topiaries.

$2.50 H. PETITE POINT Deeply divided Green leaves with very sharp points.

$2.50 H. SCUTIFOLIA - An interesting ivy of perfect Heart-shaped leaves

$2.50 H. WEBER'S FAN Leaves shallowly 5 lobed in a fan-like form with raised, radiating veins.

$3.00 HELIOTROPIUM ARBORESCENS (Heliotrope) - Vigorous everblooming plant with fragrant purple flowers. Baby Powder and Vanilla scents

These plants can be grown as either indoor Pot Plants or Greenhouse and Patio Plants. If you want to keep them small and well shaped just prune back after flowering. Keep moist at all times and give good light.

$4.00 H. HAWAIIAN PRINCESS - Free blooming large 5" flowers, single Orange blending to a Red center

$4.00 H. ASSORTED - A mixture of special large blooming types, many doubles. Colours vary from yellow to pink, red and two-toned.  They will all be named


Hoyas are all vining with a few exceptions and make excellent houseplants both in Pots and Baskets. They can be trained to climb if desired. A bright location is best for good bloom. Do not overwater.

$4.00 H. AUSTRALIS - A robust species with large Green waxy leaves and clusters of fragrant White flowers

$4.00 H. CARNOSA EXOTICA - Waxy leaves in shades of Green, marked In Yellow. Tiny Pink blooms in large clusters.

$5.00 H. CARNOSA COMPACTA REGALIS (Hindu Rope) Curled Blue Green leaves bordered in Pink and Cream. Pink blooms.

$5.00 H. CARNOSA KRINKLE - Dark green curled leaves.

$4.00 H. CORONARIA - A small leaved plant of bright Green leaves. Broad clusters of small White snowflake-like blooms

$4.00 H. CRASSIPES - Small round deep Green leaves. Flowers are fuzzy, deep Rose coloured with deeper crowns

$4.00 H. DIPTERA - Flat waxy leaves, oval shape. Pale Yellow flowers

$5.00 H. FRATERNA Shiny dark Green leaves. Golden flowers

$5.00 H. KERRI - Thick heart-shaped leaves. Small Cream coloured flowers with dark corona. Strong, large sturdy grower

$5.00 H. LONGIFOLIA- A handsome basket species with long, pencil thin leaves and blooms of starry White

$5.00 H. NICHOLSONIAE - Leaves are 3" long, stiff and bright Green. Blooms a beautiful Gold with White crowns


$3.00IMPATIENS NIAMNIAMENSIS - Ever blooming, drooping Jewel-like Orange and Yellow flowers. Long ovate Green leaves

JASMINUM (Jasmine)

Sweetly scented blooms. At least some of these varieties are always in bloom. Grow in good light but not full summer sun. Keep evenly moist.

$3.50  J. HUMILE REVOLUTUM - There are few scented Yellow Jasmines, but this one has the Yellow blooms and the Carnation fragrance

$4.00  J. MOLLE - Summer and Fall blooming Powdery White flowers. Tiny dark Green leaves. Heady scent of Citrus with a touch of Gardenia. A new release from Australia

$3.50  J. NITIDUM - Another name change, it used to be "Gracile Magnificum" which suits it better. Starry White flowers on strong branches

$3.50  J. NUDIFLORUM - Fine, nearly erect plant of deep glossy Green leaves. Yellow blooms in late Winter and Spring

$3.50  J. OFFICINALE GRANDIFLORUM (French Perfume Jasmine) - Double White flowers on twining stems from Spring to Fall.  Strong scent

$3.50  J. POLYANTHUM (Winter Jasmine) - Blooms early in the year with deliciously scented masses of White flowers. Compact growing vine

$4.00  J. SAMBAC (Maid of Orleans) - Good windowsill plant wlth bushy growth habit. Single fragrant blooms are used for scenting tea

$$4.00 J. X STEPHANSE Evergreen hybrid between J. beesianum and officinale. Climbing vine with slender shoots. Fragrant Pink flowers, summer.

$4.00  J. TORTUOSUM - A South African vining Jasmine with good vigor and a fruity fragrance from its pure White star-shaped flowers

$3.00 JUSTICA BANDEGEANA VARIEGATA (Shrimp Plant) - Variegated form with Snow White dusted leaves and a Golden Bronze bloom
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