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Harborcrest Gardens

On-Line Catalogue 2001

K - P


$3.00 LANTANA CAMARA - A West Indies shrub of angled branches and bristly Green leaves. Flowers open Pink & Yellow, aging to Red-Orange

$3.00  LANTANA MONTEVIDENSIS (Weeping Lantana) - Everblooming plant with a trailing habit suitable for Baskets. Lavender flowers in clusters

$3.00 LONICERA MAACHII (Korean Honeysuckle) - Downy Green leaves. Blooms of White to Yellow covering the plant all Summer long
$3.00 MANDEVILLA ALICE DU PONT Twining evergreen vine with trumpet-like flowers; ice pink with darker pink throat.

$4.00  MANDEVILLA LAXA Vigorous vine with White fragrant trumpets and heart-shaped leaves.

$4.00  MANDEVILLA SANDERI Light Pink flowers, Yellow throat to 3 ". Shiny Green leaves. Everblooming. Pinch to keep in shape

$4.00  MANDEVILLA SANDERI RED RIDING HOOD - Similar shiny bright Green leaves. Blooms are much darker Pink but with the same Yellow throat

$3.00 MANETTA LUTEO-RUBRA (Firecracker plant) Dark Green vines are covered in Scarlet flowers, tipped in Yellow. Everblooming
$3.00  MIKENIA TERNATA (Plush Vine) Fast growing trailer with small purplish hairy leaves. Keep moist, likes bright sun.


$3.00 MUEHLENBECKIA COMPLEXA (Maidenhair vine) Tiny leaves and Black stems. Bears small, White edible fruit


$5.00 MURRAYA EXOTICA (Orange Jasmine)- A compact little plant In the home, but when well grown can be constantly in bloom and covered with small Red berries. Orange scented White flowers
$3.00 MYRSINE AFRICANA (African Boxwood) - Typical problem free "Boxwood " type leaves and a short erect growth habit


$4.00 NANDINA DOMESTICA (Sacred Bamboo) - An interesting small shrub used commercially in the manufacture of chopsticks. In the home it resembles a tiny Bamboo plant. White flowers and Red berries



Primarily Hanging Basket plants but they can be grown in pots as well. Orange, Red and yellow blooms in an unusual pouch-shaped arrangement. They need perhaps a bit more light than Violets.

$3.00  N. BLACK GOLD - Compact plant. Deep Gold blooms, glossy leaves

$3.00  N. CHRISTMAS HOLLY - Bright shiny Green leaves. Brilliant Red Blooms

$3.00  N. GOLDEN WEST Dark Green leaves variegated with Gold and White. Orange flower.

$3.00  N. GREEN MAGIC Dark Green leaves with Red backs. Red-Pink flowers with Yellow tips.

$3.00  N. JUNGLE LIGHTS Dark green leaves, Orange flowers with Yellow mouth.

$3.00  N. STOPLIGHT - Leather-like Green leaves, with bright undersides. Small red blooms in pedicels.

$3.00  N. TROPICANA - Dark Green shiny leaves. Large Gold blooms, striped in Garnet Red. Growth similar to a Basket Fuchsia.



Evergreen shrubs that will reach 3 or 4 feet if potted up in tubs, so make ideal Patio or sunporch plants. Can also be pruned back for Pot grown Houseplants. Long narrow leaves and upward growing.

$4.00  N. DOUBLE PINK - A double version on a sturdy growing plant. Heavy bloom clusters of large, double Pink flowers

$4.00  N. DOUBLE WHITE - Large double White flowers that offer an interesting contrast to the Pink if potted together


OXALIS (Shamrock)

Mostly Green .leaved plants with Shamrock leaf shapes. These can all be multiplied by cuttings or division. Low Light and cool areas. Please e-mail us if you are interested in different varieties which may be available in very limited quantities.

$3.00  O. CRASSIPES = Evergrowing Oxalis with prolific pink flowers

$3.00  O. REGNELLII TRIANGULARIS Clump forming with deep, velvety purple leaves, topped by tiny light pink flowers in summer.

$3.00  O. DEPPEI This bulb forming species from Mexico is a "four leaf vlover" with Red-Pink flowers in summer.


$3.00  OSCULARIA DELTOIDES A succulent plant with thick toothed Blue-Grey leaves and Pink daisy like blooms.


PASSIFLORA (Passion Flower)

Vining plants often growing up tall trees, but as a Houseplant they can easily be twined on a trellis or planted in a basket.

$5.00  P. ALATOCAERULEA - Exotic Purple Passion Flower blooms in White, Pink and a fringed crown of Purple, White and Blue

$5.00  P. ANTIOQUENSIS From Colombia, has 1-3 lobed leaves and Rose-Red flowers

$5.00  P. INCARNATA (Maypops) Native to Florida, large fairly hardy vine with fringed purple flowers and yellow fruit.

$5.00  P. EDULIS - Edible 3" fruit in your Sun Room! White blooms with a Lavender corolla. Juice of the fruit is delicious

$5.00  P. LAVENDER LADY Twining stems with spectacular fragrant Blue-Purple blooms.

$5.00  P. INCENSE - A Summer blooming vine with a sweet perfume. Large 5 fingered Royal Purple flowers with a lacy-edged corolla

$5.00  P. VITIFOLIA - Profuse Red blooms, petals somewhat reflexed. Attractive, grape-like thick leaves


$3.00 PENTAS LANCEOLATA - A fine everblooming plant. Good light, full sun if possible. Bright Green leaves, flowers in umbels of Red

$3.00  PENTAS ASSORTED - Assorted named varieties


$3.00  PEPEROMIA LITTLE FANTASY Small heart shaped wrinkled leaves, rat tail flower spikes

$3.00  PEPEROMIA PEPPER FACE Large spoon shaped leaves with white-cream variegation

$3.00  PEPEROMIA GUAVEOLENS Banana like leaves, burgundy on bottom and green on top.


$4.00 PHYGELIUS AFRICAN QUEEN - Purple branched shrub with smooth angled foliage. Long tubular Coral Pink blooms

$4.00  PHYGELIUS MOONRACKER - The same plant but this time the blooms are pure Yellow. Makes a good companion plant to African Queen

$4.00  PHYGELIUS DEVIL'S TEARS Scarlet flowers with Yellow throat.


$4.00 PLECTRANTHUS AMBOINICUS (Cuban Oregano) Thick fuzzy Green leaves with strong oregano fragrance.

$4.00 PLECTRANTHUS NICO A spreading or trailing foliage plant with very dark shiny leaves that are Burgundy on the reverse.

$4.00  PLECTRANTHUS VARIEGATA (Swedish Ivy) Fast growing trailing plant with hairy Green leaves with White scalloped edges. Leaves release a pleasant herbal aroma when touched.


$4.00 PLUMBAGO AURICULATA -Attractive plant with true Blue, Phlox-like flowers in profusion from Spring to Winter. A rare color

$4.00  PLUMBAGO INDICA - Graceful shrub with sprays of Carmine Red produced in clusters on tall stems. Winter blooming


$4.00  PODOCARPUS MACROPHYLLUS (Buddhist Pine) Upright stems with narrow glossy leaves. Keep in a cool spot.


$3.00 PORTULACARIA AFRA VARIEGATA (Rainbow Bush) - Lovely little succulent with Red Brown stems and pretty leaves milky White, margined in creamy White and a thin Carmine Red edging

$3.00  PORTULACARIA AFRA Same as above but with bright Green leaves on Reddish stems.


$3.00  PSIDIUM GUAJAVA (Guava) Leathery green leaves on spreading branches. Makes a nice shrubby foliage plant.

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