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Harborcrest Gardens

On-Line Catalogue 2001

                R - Z


$3.00 RADERMACHERA SINICA (China Doll) An excellent foliage plant with glossy Green leaves and many branches. Likes moist, fertile soil

Easter Cacti resemble the popular Christmas Cacti in appearance but the branch segments are more gently rounded. They normally bloom in April and May, and sometimes again in the Fall. Culture is much the same as for Christmas Cacti except they do not need to be "timed".

$3.50  R. ANOROMEDA - A new hybrid from Japan. Deep Lavender Pink flowers. A very heavy bloomer and a vigorous grower

$4.00  R. CAPRICE - An exclusive variety. Pink star-shaped blooms, with a darker midstripe down each petal. A beauty

$3.50  R. GAERTNERI GIANT - Wide flaring flowers of brilliant Orange Red often hiding the leaves completely. Largest blooms of any Easter Cactus to date

$3.50  R. ROSEA- A tiny jointed plant that produces clouds of light Pink flowers. Almost a miniature, but be careful of your watering. It needs to be moist but too much water is fatal

$4.00  R. SUTTERS GOLD - Large blooms of lovely Golden Orange-Red, and just a fleck of Red. Even, compact grower.


$3.00 RHODOCHITON ATROSANGUINEUM (Purple Bells) - A climber from Mexico with heart-shaped leaves and long lasting dark purple bells.


$3.00  RUELLA MAKOYANA (Monkey Plant) Violet tinged Olive Green leaves with Silvery veins on top deep Purple lower surface. Rose-red trumpet shaped flowers 2 inches long.


$3.00 SARMIENTA SCANDENS Evergreen trailing gesneriad. Small oval leaves, semi tubular Red to Pink fucsia like flowers in summer.

$4.00 SAXIFRAGA STOLONIFERA  (Strawberry Geranium) A beautiful Hanging Basket plant producing a crop of smaller plantlets on dangling runners. White lacy flowers  marked Green leaves. Bright light, not too wet conditions


SCHLUMBERGERA (Thanksgiving-Christmas Cacti )

A great deal of hybridizing has been carried out on this group of plants, so if you have grown them before, expect larger blooms and easier growth on these. They will normally bloom about the same time each year but you can experiment in 2 ways. TEMPERATURE...keep night time temperatures about 55-60 F to set buds. PHOTOPERIOD ...less than 12 hours of darkness at temperatures about 60 F will initiate flower buds. Give bright filtered light and allow to dry out between waterings; however do not let them go COMPLETELY dry.

$4.00  S. ASPEN - A new departure - Snow White upright bloom with very serrated edges. The first of its kind. Do not allow temperature on this plant to fall under 50 F or the blooms will be Pinkish

$4.00  S. BRIDGESSI - The original Christmas Cactus. Small glossy Green leaves on an arching stem. Carmine Red and Purple blooms

$4.00  S. BRISTOL QUEEN - Dramatic large 2" bloom. Fuchsia petal edges and tips with a White centre

$4.00  S. CHRISTMAS FLAME - Silky White Inner petals, outer petals are a sunny Golden Yellow. Keep above 50 F

$4.00  S. CHRISTMAS MAGIC II - Very big flowers here. Purplish Red

$4.00  S. GOLD CHARM - The colour can vary from light Yellow to a full Gold, depending on temperature. Try to keep above 50 F

$4.00  S. CORAL CASCADE - Brilliant Rose Coral throughout flower

$4.00  S. MALIBOU - Large Coral Red, edged in a pencil line of Red

$4.00  S. MADISTO - Large double Pink flowers in profusion.

$4.00  S. MISS SHIMANO - Another exclusive. Delicate shades of Lavender and White with a thin edge of darker Lavender.

$4.00  S. ROCKET - Two-toned blooms of deep Purple and White throat, which extends out to sepals

$4.00  S. TWILIGHT TANGERINE - Bright Orange flowers with veining extending down into the White throat. Wide open blooms.

$4.00  S. WHITE XMAS - Very strong, glossy leaves. Many translucent White blooms, sometimes tinted Pink. Blooms early December.


$3.00 SOLANUM JASMINOIDES - Star shaped White blooms of this floriferous vine are accented by a cluster of Yellow stamens


$3.00  STAPELIA (Carrion flower) Succulent with fleshy angular upright stems, smelly flowers.


$7.00 STEPHANOTIS FLORIBUNOA (Madacasgar Jasmine) - Wiry twiner with leathery leaves and very fragrant White flowers
$3.00  STREPTOCARPELLA BLUEBERRY & CREAM - Medium Blue flowers. Green velvety foliage variegated in Yellow. Upright growing.

$3.00  STREPTOCARPELLA GOOD HOPE - Sky Blue flowers over velvety Green foliage. Makes a very good Basket plant.


$3.00 STREPTOCARPUS ASSORTED  - Blooms in assortes shades of pink, violet, blue, lilac, lavendar. Named varieties


$3.00 STREPTDSOLEN JAMESONII (Marmalade Plant) - Ideal for both Baskets and standards. Brilliant Orange and Gold blooms Winter and Spring.

$3.00 STROBILANTHES DYERIANUS (Persian Shield) - Grown for its beautiful foliage this plant has large leaves striped with iridescent tints of Blue and Lilac, with Maroon undersides.
$4.00 TETRADENIA RIPARIA (Nutmeg Bush, Misty Plume) Woody stemmed shrublet with musky leaves and Creamy White flower panicles.
$4.50 TIBOUCHINA URVILLEANA (Glory Bush) - Free branching tree-like shrub with fresh Green hair covered leaves. Large 3" Royal purple blooms

$4.50  TIBOUCHINA URYILLEANA EDWARDSII - An improved version of the above "Glory Bush". Larger flowers and a more compact habit

$5.00 THUMBERGIA BATTESCOMBE - Nearly everblooming 4" Blue trumpets with bright yellow throats 6" bright Green leaves. Trailing upright
$4.50 TRACHELOSPERMUM ASIATICUM - A compact vine with tidy dark Green leaves adorned with cinnamon scented Yellow blooms
$4.50 TULBAGHIA VIOLACEA SILVER LACE - Dwarf clumping plant with attractive narrow Blue Green leaves edged in White. Lavender flowers
$3.50 VIOLA ODORATA ROSEA - Rose pink blooms with a most delightful scent. Tiny creeping leaves soon cover the pot.

$4.00 YUCCA VARIEGATA - Stiff sword-shaped rosette of leaves in medium green with cream variagation. Likes sun, will tolerate dry air


We offer a limited number of varities that are expected to do well in the same conditions as African Violets.

Phalaenopsis and Doritaenopsis
The Orchid most likely to succeed in your home is the "Moth Orchid" with its large blooms in white, cream pink or mauve. Once mature they will generally bloom at least twice a year and on fully mature plants you will have blooms almost all year. Water about twice a week in the summer, once a week in the winter. Regular fertilizing is necessary, especially from spring to fall.
$15.00 Assorted Varieties in 4" pots. List preferred color.

These can be grown side by side with the Phalaenopsis above. The flowers are smaller but more numerous. Assorted colors - Pink, Purple or 2-tone.
$15.00 Assorted varities in 4" pots

These lovely "Lady Slipper" orchids have mottled green leaves and large green or burgundy blooms lasting up to 6 weeks. They are warm growing and prefer low to medium light levels, so will do well with African Violets. Water and fertilize as for Phalaenopsis.
$20.00 Assorted varities in 4" pots.

The "Dancing Ladies" produce a cloud of flowers in yellow with red, burgundy or brown markings. Some varieties are fragrant. They prefer warm days and bright morning light. Do not overwater.
$13.00 Assorted varities in 4" pots.

Sweetly scented inflorescence with 7-8 flowers in shades of green, purple or burgundy that last 4 - 8 weeks. Late winter to spring bloomer but mature plants can bloom twice a year. Low to medium light, cool nights to induce blooming. Keep moist.
$12.00 Assorted varieties in 4" pots.

$3.25  Schultz African Violet fertilizer - suitable for most flowering plants, liquid, 155 gm.
$3.75 Plant Prod 15-30-15 flowering plant fertilizer, dry powder, 250 gm.


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